Slow Host
we cut corners so u dont have 2

PricesPlease complete the form below with your information...
If you need a domain name to be registered, we will let you know separately, as a guide, .com and .net names are $40 for 2 years. The asterisks (*) means the entry is optional.
Btw, this form really does work - so you won't waste your time completing it (and paying us) ;)

Hosting sign up form
splat Domain name:
(the one you want to register or host with us)
splat Your name:
splat Your email:
splat Company name: *
splat Postal Address:
splat Town or City:
splat Post Code:
splat State or County:
splat Country:
splat Phone Number:
splat You won't host any bad things will you? No, surely not.
splat Will you add one Slow Host to your site? Yes, of course I will.
splat Can you pay for your hosting now? Yes, of course I can.

Need any help understanding this form? ICQ now! ICQ: 27516936

Pay securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Visa MasterCard Discover American Express eCheck Switch Debit Cards Solo Debit Cards